Komodo Tours Travel News KPM Held Manggaraian Cultural Fest

KPM Held Manggaraian Cultural Fest

Post By : BCK • August 30, 2019 • views : 1,150


Manggaraian women community Jakarta (KPM) in collaboration with Ca Nai Sanggar community Kalimalang Jakarta and Manggarai Family association Kebon Jeruk Jakarta (IKMKJ) held Manggaraian Cultural fest at Anjungan NTT, TMII, Saturday-Sunday/august 17-18 2019. The festival was also held to commemorate and celebrate the 74th anniversary of Indonesian Independence Day.

Besides cultural show it was also an occasion to promote several Manggaraian special food, various agricultural products, handicraft and weaving which recently has been developed by several official or individual small and medium business units (UKM).

Emmilianna EK, the event organizer, in her press conference on Saturday afternoon (08/17) said, 'Globalization, including cultural globalization is not a threat, instead it can be an opportunity to bring our local culture into the international platform without loosing its identity. The character of Manggaraian culture can loose its identity, even its character can decrease if we as historical actors allow ourselves to be influenced by the globalization current without the ability to maintain our own cultural identity.' According to Emmilianna Manggaraian culture has to stand still with its original identity which is full of life values so that its sustainability could be maintained. She hopes that the diversity of Manggaraian culture can be known not only by the Manggaraians themselves but non Manggaraians can also enjoy the festive and uniqueness of caci dance, ndundu ndake, danding, sanda and mbata.

This cultural festival hopefully could transmit live philosophical values it carries in every level of Manggaraian people's life anywhere.

The diversity of Manggaraian local products which is not well known even forgotten  by the current generation of Manggaraians were also promoted during this event. Hopefully the uniqueness of these local foods which is full of nutrients not only become known but also well liked by Manggaraians in diaspora as well as non Manggaraians and can be sustained from generation to generation.

On the other hand the advance of information technology in a globalized era can be used to promote the variety of local agricultural products as well as its results more quickly and widely.

Manggaraian local handicraft and weaving products were also promoted in a fashion show which presents creativity in fashion draft for various needs such as casual dress, office dress, as well as other official dresses including Manggaraian wedding dress. This local Manggaraian fashion choice can also become an option for various ages both men and women.

This fashion show hopefully promotes the fashion product of manggaraian uniqueness and material to make it become well known and and enable to compete with other regions in Indonesia. The growing competitiveness of food, handicraft  and fashion  hopefully can also raise economic growth through small business (UMKM) either official or individual. In relation with UMKM this event also presents the promotion of UMKM and OJK, educating people on how to choose products or services, how to make effective marketing in a globalized world and how to have access to the official paying system.

Emmilianna also hopes that this event can be the beginning of a yearly of biyearly event for the Manggaraians in Jabodetabek. 'Let's watch and tone up the 2019 Manggaraian festival. From us and for our generation. A generation that thinks globally but still rooted in its local culture, ' she acclaimed.