Komodo Tours Travel News Enterance Fee USD 1000 Komodo Island Still In Discussion

Enterance Fee USD 1000 Komodo Island Still In Discussion

Post By : BCK • October 09, 2019 • views : 1,282


The minister of tourism Mr Arief Yahya commented on the issue regarding paying 14 million rupiah entrance fee in Komodo Island. He stated that it is still a discussion. The maritime coordinating minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan was the first one to raise the entrance fee increase issue and make Komodo a premium class tourism. He made the statement at the fishing institute in Jakarta yesterday (Wednesday 2/10).

"Komodo island is not closed, we would like to manage it well, the other islands will be managed as exclusive tourism. What,s important is that Komodo is protected." Ruhut explained. He continued that in the future the management will be asked to prepare 50 thousand tickets with the price of 1000 usd per ticket (equal to 14 million rupiahs) for the premium membership. As a result there will be 50 million usd to manage Komodo island to keep it as world heritage.

What is the response of tourism minister Arief Yahya? "That was still a suggestion, ' he stated to the media crews at maritime ministry office, BPPT, Friday (4/10/2019). He added, that there is no further discussion regarding the 14 million entrance fee, yet he confirms the membership ticket to be that amount .

"We haven't decide yet, regarding membership  it is possible, it can be go show as well. Just like golfing one can be a member or just drop in. Each has its losses and gains." He explained. THe environmental and forestry ministry (KLHK)  stated that the ticket price increase is still a discussion. It needs a more intensif analysis.